Three girls take on the world of books, comics, anime and manga.
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June 2009
- OMG... Pikachu is a girl???
- Every day items that can be confused for something...
- Things that make you go *squee* - an addition!!
- Things that make you go *squee* 3
- Tonari no 801-chan Anime is a go!
- Game Review: Final Fantasy IV: The After Years fo...
- June Manga Web-a-thon = Bad Idea
- Book Review: Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris
- Book Review: In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
- Things that make you go *squee* 2
- Book Review: Succubus Heat
- Movie Update - Yamato (Star Blazers) and DBZ Evo 2
- Events: New York Asian Film Festival
- Book Review: Darkness Revealed by Alexandra Ivy
- Book Review: Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by ...
- Oh, those wacky Japanese...
- Neko-chan~! Come play with me!
- Things that make you go *squee*
- Book Review: Succubus on Top
- Book Review: Outliers - The Story of Success by Ma...
- Headlines from E3
- Manga Review: Skip Beat Volume 18 by Yoshiki Nakamura
- Book Review: Ecstasy by Jaquelyn Frank
- Anime bits: Stitch! Japanese Websites
- Movie Review: Up
- Book Review: Nights in Black Lace by Noelle Mack
- Book Review: Coyote's Mate: A Novel of the Breeds ...
- Book Review: A Red Hot Valentine's Day by Danes, H...
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Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Every day items that can be confused for something else...
The following blog contains images that are not 100% work safe. So, if you have nosy co-workers lurking nearby, you might want to wait until you get to the privacy of your own home to see this entire post. ;)Banana Bunker
Tired of eating bruised bananas? Then you need a Banana Bunker. Banana Bunkers come in four colors: orange, blue, green and clear. You can purchase them online here.
Guys... now you can put bananas in your pockets!! :D
Mmmmm... Ham anyone???
Photo courtesy of
This is a logo for the Brazilian Institute of Asian Studies. Ummm.. errr... am I the only one who thinks that there's a big red butt? LOL
See more er, naughty looking logos at B3TA's Phallic Logo Awards.
Ever wonder why it is your get such good cell phone reception in some areas? Well, the answer is: from cell towers like this!!! Do you think the designer was, um, compensating for something?
The first 200 covers of the videocassette for Little Mermaid had this image printed on it. Dubbed the Palace with the Phallus by, they dispel the rumor that this cover was created by a disgruntled employee.
This is wooden back massager, people. Get your mind out of the gutter!!
See more fun gadgets at: 15 Phallic Gadges (That Aren't Sex Toys)... but I think this one is the best of the lot!
OK, people, move along. Nothing more to see. Back to work! LOL
Monday, June 22, 2009
Things that make you go *squee* - an addition!!
I found one more item that I just had to post...
Mini Comic Notepads!!
You can write your own story! All of the speech balloons are blank, so you can make up your own dialog. Hmmm.... I can totally see it.. Keroro yaoi!! LOL The pages can be torn out also and used as notepaper. Too cute! I guess Tissie and Meg know what they're getting for Christmas now! Hmmm... which ones to buy... Cromartie High School, Devilman... Cutie Hunney?? Oh, the possibilities!!
Available at Strapya World.
*runs off to break into her piggy bank*
Things that make you go *squee* 3
Are you a dog owner? Then these cute toys are for you!!
These toys are made out of cotton rope and are made in the shape of a bone. More than 100 knots make up this "bone", and your dog will be occupied for hours trying to untie them. They're good for your dog's teeth too. These toys come in other shapes too, including carrots, rabbits, donuts and knots.
Available through the manufacturer, Harry Barker, Inc. and from other pet supply retailers.
For cat lovers, they make mouse rope toys and catnip holders.
Also available through Harry Barker, Inc.
Wow. I really want to go out and find a pet now! :DKawaii!!! Tokidoki Frenzies!!
Tokidoki is coming out with a set of zipper pulls/cell phone charms! These adorable charms will be available some time in July. Just in time for ComicCon! There are 22 different "Frenzies", and will come in blind boxes - meaning they're all individually packaged, and you won't know which character you get until you open it. This set includes characters from the Moofia, Cactus Friends, and 'Til Death Do Us Part. You can see more info at Strange Co.
These are in stock now directly through Tokidoki. :D
Comic-Con 2009 Exclusives!
Every year, dozens of limited edition merchandise is sold at San Deigo Comic-Con. Here are two items that caught my eye:
Silver Astronaut Snoopy Figurine
LE 400, Price: TBD
In celebration of Snoopy's 40 years with the US Space Program.
Little Big Planet SackBoy
Price: TBD
Sackboy's wearing a ComicCon Int'l logo shirt!
Mater and friends!
Rescue Squad Mater and Dalmation Tia and Dalmation Tia are dressed and ready to fight some fires! Available at the show and on after ComicCon.
USB Owls!
These cute little owls either sit on your laptop screen or sit on a stump next to your computer. Plug 'em into your USB port, and this little critter blinks and moves its head.
Available at Think Geek and Strapya World. There's also a cute video (on both sites) where you can see these little guys in action.
That's it for now. More cute stuff soon!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tonari no 801-chan Anime is a go!
The inspiration for 801-chan 4-panels in the US is becoming an anime short!
From Anime News Network:
The fourth volume of Ajiko Kojima's Tonari no 801-chan manga will ship in Japan on September 10 with a "Tonari no 801-chan R" anime short on DVD. The manga follows the personal life of a fujoshi (female boys-love Otaku) and her Otaku boyfriend. Yutaka Yamamoto (Kannagi) will direct the production of the 90-second "opening anime" at Aniplex's A-1 Pictures studio (Kannagi, Ookiku Furikabutte). Yamamoto is best known for working at Kyoto Animation on The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and part of Lucky Star before being forced out of the studio. He has not returned to Kyoto Animation, but has since launched his own studio, Ordet.
For those of you that know Japanese, Amazon has the drama CDs.
Tonari No 801-chan Drama CD
Tonari No 801 Chan Drama CD
~Meg Read more!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Game Review: Final Fantasy IV: The After Years for Wii
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is one of the newest RPGs released by Square Enix through WiiWare. Originally released in Japan for the cell phone, we finally get to see the Kingdom of Baron once more.
To purchase this game, it is best that you purchase a Wii Points Card. Once you get your points, you can then download the game. Remember, you need to be connected to the internet to do so.
The game follows are main hero, Ceodore, son of Cecil and Rosa. After a period of peace, the second moon has reappeared the skies of the Blue Planet. Ceodore is currently testing to become a knight for the Red Barons. When his quest is completed, they are attacked by a horde of monsters. Meanwhile, a Mysterious Girl has appeared. Controlling Bahamut, she seeks the Crystal and attacks Baron.Throughout the story you meet old friends like Palom and Porom and new friends like the Hooded Man. The game is old-school Final Fantasy, from the graphics (understandable since it's been ported from a cell phone), to the gameplay. Like previous Final Fantasy games, newcomers may find the game more challenging and that's just the way I like it.
This game brings a ton of potential and I'm looking forward to playing this for a while, not because I'm slow but because I tend to stop playing and then pick it up again later. Yup - I know, I'm weird. As a side note, for FFVII, I got to the last stage before I stopped playing. 2 years later, I then finished the game. >_<
My only question is whether or not the game was released for the right platform. From my experience, the people who have the Wii aren't traditional gamers. I'm not sure how many of them will be purchasing the game, especially since it is a bit more challenging than the new Final Fantasy games, especially the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicle series. My advice to new gamers, power level. If the story is anything like the original Final Fantasy IV, it will be totally worth it.
Other than that, my only other recommendation is using a Wii Classic Controller. It's hard to utilize the Wii Remote's directional pad since it doesn't give you a 360 degree range of movement. Nevertheless, for those that are cheap like me, the Wii Remote handles the job decently.
I highly recommend this game and hope that we see more traditional OG RPGs from Square Enix in the future.
Friday, June 12, 2009
June Manga Web-a-thon = Bad Idea
I can't keep my mouth shut anymore. The direction that Digital Manga has taken in the recent months have been odd and nerve-wracking.
Their most recent announcement was the June Web-a-thon. (For info, go to Manga Blog.)The only thing is, the Web-a-thon isn't a pledge, it's a pre-payment system for something you may never see. Pre-payment is fine. However, when going through the site, there's no indication of when you will receive the product. Furthermore, it's going through Pay Pal so you are sending the money directly to them. Is there a hold on the payment? Pay Pal requires you to hold the payment before the product ships. And there's a time limit too.
The whole legality of this is questionable. When you purchase pre-orders, there's usually a hold of some sort. Occasionally, a deposit is required... maybe even re-stocking fees. None of these terms are outlined on their website. Or if it is, it's almost impossible to find.
Not only that, but there is no way to contact them regarding the complexities of this type of program. As the blog, Comics Worth Reading, mentioned, what happens if you change your mind or move? Well, you just need to contact them. But how? Who knows.
Do they even have a page where you can check what book you've ordered through their web-a-thon. I don't remember what I've ordered 2 weeks ago, let alone, remembering something I've bought several months ago. If there's no way to check, the best thing would be to print records yourself, or hope that paypal has detailed records.
The pre-order thing also makes me nervous as it reminds me of Drama Queen's Rush subscription. I can only see the same thing happening for DMI.
DMI needs to re-think how they implement things. The web-a-thon actually is an interesting idea and could be a great strategy for them, but at this point in time, it's being implemented hap-hazardly.
My advice to fans... Buyer Beware. If you can afford to lose $9 + shipping, go ahead.
DMI - please stop doing this! This new strategy sounds great, but I smell disaster coming and we need you to ride out the storm so we can ensure that we'll have great yaoi titles (and other titles) in the future.
Book Review: Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris
Book Information
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: May 2009
ISBN-13: 978-0441017157
MSRP: $25.95
Format: Hardcover
Available from
Sookie Stackhouse is a human (maybe?) with the ability to hear people's thoughts. While that sounds like a nifty trick, in reality picking up stray thoughts from people's heads isn't all that fun and exciting. For Sookie, it is turning out to be hazardous to her health as her abilities take her deeper into the supernatural world around her.
Book #9 of the Southern Vampire sereis opens with the shifters coming out of the closet. Soon after the announcement, Crystal, Jason's wife, is found dead in the parking lot of Merlots. Is this a hate crime since Crystal was a werepanther? Or is Sookie in the middle of yet another war among the supernatural?
The Southern Vampire Series is/was one of my favorite series and I have been reading it since book 1 came out in 2001. So after almost 8 years of following Sookie, I am willing to give the series a little slack. We are old friends and can forgive each other an off day or two. But, the problem with long running series is that eventually the author gets a critical point. She can choose to end the series with a logical and fulfilling conclusion. Or, she can try to squeeze a few more books (and a few more royalty checks) out of it. Option 2 forces the reader to give up on a series completely or fool themselves into thinking that "maybe the next book will be better." Well, when volume #8 came out, I was hoping that volume 9 would be "just a little bit better." But I can see the writing on the wall and I think it is time for me, Sookie and friends to part.
The problem with the book is that nothing happens yet everything happens at the same time. For example, a fairy assassian is gunning for Sookie. Harris spends almost an entire chapter describing how Sookie is going to relieve some stress by gardening. And when the fairy shows up to kill Sookie while she is weeding the plants, Harris is able to kill off the fairy in about 2 paragraphs. I understand the element of surprise was important in Sookie coming out on top. But seriously? All that buildup for a nonexistent scene? No last dying words from the fairy? No "oh shit, I am going to die" inner monologue from Sookie?
The entire book follows the same format. All filler and no resolution or climax. The book ends with a cliffhanger, leaving many dead, countless injured and no real idea if some of the main characters will be around in book 10. But honestly, I closed the book not even caring who makes it and who doesn't. The only thing I could think was that the series used to be soooo good!
For Sookie fans willing to stick it out, at least wait until the paperback comes out. If you are dying to know what happens, check out the hardcover from the library. For readers who were a little skeptical after reading volume 8, I would quit while you are ahead. Stop now while you still have good feelings about the series and the characters. Better yet, just start watching the TV adaptation on HBO, True Blood.
Book Review: In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: April 2009
ISBN-13: 978-0143114963
MSRP: $15.00
Format: Mass market paperback
Available from
I enjoy a good conspiracy theory every once in a while. But sometimes you get a book that is disturbing because it isn't a theory, it is actually based in fact. Take everything you have learned about nutrition from the food pyramid to your "recommended daily allowances" and toss it out the window. Because since the 1980's Americans haven't been eating "food." Nope, we have eating "food products" or "food substitutes" and that is an entirely different ballgame.
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto, is a call to action to defend real food. The book makes a startling point, that as we become increasingly consumed with issues of health, we have become increasingly unhealthy. The problem isn't low-fat, trans-fat, poly-unsaturated fat, or any other evil nutrient, but rather the fact that most of the "food science" that goes into making new food products has no science backing it up. Our great grandparents all lived long and healthy lives with out any of these specially formulated foods. So, it stands to reason that the problem is that Americans have simply stopped eating food.
Pollan systematically goes through the current nutritional advice and pokes holes into each theroy. He also points out numerous food scandals in which we have been told by the FDA or scientist to consume some nutrient over another only to find out that that advice had dire impacts on our health. (Of course, each of these past scandals have been swept under the rug, so this is the first time you will hear about them.) So in the end, what is a girl to do? According to Pollan, we don't need food pyramids, recommended daily allowances or anything else. We just need seven simple words, "Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Pollan describes these 3 tenants in more detail in the book, but it is basically a lot of common sense. If it has more than 5 ingredients, ingredients you can't pronounce and doesn't resemble the animal or plant is supposed to come from? It probably isn't food. Oh and if someone goes through great pains (a lot of marketing dollars) to convince you that something is health? Chances are it isn't!
This is a good read for anyone and everyone. You see TV ads all the time sponsored by some food lobby and you can't help but believe something is true after it hearing it so many times. And surely, if it wasn't true, they wouldn't let them put false labels on boxes or make false claims, right? Wrong! Most of those claims are considered marketing and don't need to be backed by science or testing. And most of the claims are subjective anyway.
But a really "fun" game to play after reading this book is to go through your home pantry and see how much in it is actually food and how much are engineered food products. It was pretty disturbing and enlightening when I opened up my refrigerator. I would say only about 20% of the "food" in my cabinets could actually be defined as food... Another good book to check out is Skinny Bitch by Roy Freedman and Kim Barnouin. After reading it, you will never want to drink a glass of milk again. I don't care how cool those "got milk" ads are!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Things that make you go *squee* 2
Disney Sweets!!!
These little Disney themed cell phone straps are kawaii!!! There are 20 different charms, including cakes, pancakes, ice cream, donuts, lollipops, coffee and fruits. Most are on pre-order, and several are already sold out. I'm not sure if I'm going to order these or not because, they make me hungry!
You can purchase these at Strapya World.
Hello Kitty meets Gloomy Bear! Cell phone straps.
Hmmm... there's something kinda creepy about Hello Kitty in a Gloomy Bear suit, but kinda cute in a weird gothic way. I see blood spatters, but where is Pitty?
You can purchase these at Strapya World.
Warning: Rated "H".
H is for ecchi... :D Need I say more?
Only XS and M are left, so get yours quick!
Purchase this t-shirt at JList.
Cinnamoroll Egg Shaper.
A friend of mine recently told me about egg shapers. I had no idea that you could take a warm egg, lock it into an egg shaper like this one, put it in the fridge, and have the egg come out in the shape of whatever the mold looks like! Sooo cute! They come in various shapes, including Helly Kitty, My Melody, fish, cars, rabbits, bears, and many more.
Just go to JList and search "egg shaper" to see all of the designs that they carry.IWG 1" Zipper Pulls!
I love really cute zipper pulls, and KidRobot has come out with yet another set of really cute characters! IWG aka Insurgents Wilderness Gruppo has designed a set of 1" zipper pulls that come in blind boxes. There are 17 different designs, including four ?? figures. These cost $3.95 each, and can be purchased at KidRobot.
They also have a really cute Munny set of zipper pulls for $2.95 each. :D
Tokidoki skins for Macbook Pros and iPhones.
Tokidoki meets Apple. *squee* My Macbook Pro needs a new look, and I think I've found it. These protective skins for your laptop come in 4 designs and are $29.95. I can't decide between the Gela-Skin Inferno (pictured) or the Gela-Skin 777. Tissie, some of these are available for the 13" macbooks! These are available through the TokiDoki store.
Hmm... must go shop. :D
~Allie *squeeeeee*
Monday, June 8, 2009
Book Review: Succubus Heat
Succubus Heat
by Richelle Mead
Publisher: Kensington
MSRP: $15.00
Available at: Amazon and Barnes and Noble
Succubus Heat is book four in the Georgina Kincade series. If you're a fan of Kim Harrison and Kresley Cole, I highly recommend this series. It's filled with demons, vampires, angels, imps, nephelim, and of course, succubi, running around Seattle and Canada trying to find some happiness here on Earth. The characters are well thought out, and this volume contains some very poignant moments. If you haven't read Succubus Blues, Succubus on Top and Succubus Dreams, I suggest that you stop reading here because the following contains some spoilers.
Georgina isn't your typical succubus. She's tried to be good and limit the amount of truly good men that she seduces, but lately things have not been going well. Since her break-up with famous author Seth Mortensen (yes, you do need to read Succubus Dreams), Georgina hasn't been coping well with her raging emotions. Seth is now seeing Maddie, her co-worker at Emerald City Books. Out of loneliness, Georgina has taken up with Dante, who all of her friends despise. To top it all off her demon boss, Jerome, is NOT happy with her bad attidude of late, and decides to 'lend' her to Cedric, a Canadian archdemon, to help him get rid of a Satanist cult that has been creating havoc in his city.
Of the four books in the series, I enjoyed this book the most. There are some very sad moments, and there are a lot of unresolved issues that I hope will be explored further in future volumes. After I finished reading this book, it left me wanting more. Unfortunately, the next book in this series isn't due out until April 2010. Booo!!! I'll definitely want to re-read the first four books again before I read the next book.
Movie Update - Yamato (Star Blazers) and DBZ Evo 2
Looks like there will be a new Yamato anime movie. Preview below. Warning: It's slow... but funny once you see the first ship.
Other news is that DBZ Evo 2 will start shooting this fall and no not the shooting we hope for. We don't need to see this atrocity AGAIN! Once was enough... and when I say once I mean the stupid preview was enough...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Events: New York Asian Film Festival
Book Review: Darkness Revealed by Alexandra Ivy
Publisher: Zebra (Kensington Publishing)
Publication Date: March 2009
ISBN-13: 978-1-4201-0296-3
MSRP: $6.99
Format: Mass market paperback
Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders or Powell's
Anna Randal never imagined how much her life would change after her encounter one night with Conde Cezar almost 200 years ago. After being bitten by the tall, dark and handsome vampire, her life went from bad to worse. For 200 years, she has been trying to track down the mysterious vampire and get some answers.
Cezar will never forget the single night he spent in Anna's arms. Imprisoned as a servant to the Oracles for the past 200 years, he is now charged with protecting Anna from the infamous Morgana. Anna is destined to join the ranks of the Oracles, powerful beings that police all the supernatural races. But no matter what Cezar does, it seems he is fated to lose Anna to either hands of Morgana or the Oracles.
Actually the 4th book in Ivy's Guardians of Eternity series, this book is a great stand alone. I have yet to read the first 3 books, but I am definitely interested in this series! You can never go wrong with vampires!
Darkness Revealed has an incredible cast of characters that are very 3 dimensional and lovable. Anna wants to be upset with Cezar for leaving her wandering the world for almost 200 years with no idea who and what she is. Anna is actually a fairy, but after being bitten by a vampire, she can only jump to the conclusion that Cezar is responsible for her immortality. On the other hand, Cezar is the tragic hero charged with protecting the woman he loves. All the while, he knows that whether he succeeds or fails, he will lose her in the end.
If you like Gena Showalter, J. R. Ward or Sherrilyn Kenyon, you will love Alexandra Ivy!
Read more!Book Review: Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey
Book Information:
Title: Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What men really think about love, relationships, intimacy and commitment
Publisher: Amistad (An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers)
Publication Date: January 2009
ISBN-13: 978-0-06-172879-6
MSRP: $23.99
Format: Hardcover
Available from Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, Borders or Powell's
Steve Harvey, world famous comedian and actor, has decided to write his own book about relationships. Fans of the Steve Harvey Morning Show radio program are familiar with Steve's Strawberry Letter segment in which he regularly imparts romantic wisdom and advice to his listeners. A long-time fan of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, I am sad to say this book was somewhat of a disappointment.
Okay, so maybe disappointment is too strong of a word; but, I can't put my finger on exactly why I didn't like this book. Don't get me wrong, Steve has some pretty good insight on how the male mind works. In a nutshell, men are very simple creatures and all the "complications" surrounding relationships are figments on the female imagination. And I think that right there is what doesn't sit well with me about the book. The crux of Harvey's argument is that men are dogs because women let them be. Men don't commit because women don't make it a requirement. Men cheat because their women don't provide them what they need at home. (That and they don't think they will get caught.)
Yup, everything wrong with the world is our fault ladies. (He even brings up the story of Adam and Eve! Geez! Let it go already. And for those of us who aren't Christian, that argument doesn't really work.)
The sad thing is, Harvey does have a couple of gems in his book about men, but the tone of the book put me in such a defensive mood that it was very hard to appreciate them. And instead of the book being proactive and empowering about ways to change your behavior, we end up with a laundry list of things not to do:
"Don't tell him where you would like to go [on a date]..."
"Don't be too independent"
"Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should."
I had really high expectations for this book; but, sadly this one is a pass ladies. A little more sugar would have made it a bit easier to appreciate and swallow.
Read more!Thursday, June 4, 2009
Oh, those wacky Japanese...
I love anime and manga. And cute gashapon toys. And delicious Japanese food! But, I gotta admit, there are some wacky Japanese people and products out there (just like there are crazy crazy Americans!!) so I've noted a few here that I've run across:
In November of 2008, a Japanese man started an online petition to beg the government to let him marry... and anime character!! He wants to marry Asahina Mikuru from “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya” (can you say big boobs, tiny waist?). So, I guess us "real" women aren't enough for him. I mean, we don't have those large anime eyes... but... OMG.... you can! Which brings me to my next crazy Japanese thing...
(source: Metro)
Anime Eyes!!
Yes, girls, you too can look like an anime character! These special contact lenses will give any girl that big-eyed anime look. The contacts enlarge the pupils, and come in a variety of colors. Personally, I wouldn't wear these clubbing late at night, because if a police officer pulled my car over, he'd think I either just went to the eye doctor and had my pupils dialated, or I was high on something. Probably the latter. LOL
(source: Walyou)A Japanese scientist in Canada built himself a robot girlfriend. Aiko, the robot, can do household chores and accounting. And she can speak in Japanese and English. What more can a man ask for? And she only cost $18,500 to make. He's getting a deal, if you ask me. She doesn't talk back, she's respectful. Unfortunately, she's not built for sexual satisfaction, and says "I do not like it when you touch my breasts" if you touch her chest.
Youtube video.
(souce: infoniac)Back to contact lenses... if anime eyes aren't cool enough for you... how about some Hello Kitty eyes? Yes, I said Hello Kitty. Do you think that'll make men look more deeply into your eyes? Or run away screaming?
(source: KittyHell)For those of you who have allergies, I think this handy dandy Japanese invention would be just the thing to stop that constant nasal drip. Too bad you'd also look like a total and complete idiot while wearing it! And... wouldn't this fall off your head as you bent over to flush the toilet?? ROFL
Go here to find photos of many more wacky Japanese inventions!
(source: yeeta)For all you single ladies out there, this is one product that you can't live without. It's called the Boyfriend Arm Pillow. It won't send you flowers or tell you how beautiful you are, but it does have its advantages. It won't steal the covers. It doesn't snore. I wonder if it comes with a build in hot water bottle?
(source: Wacky Japanese Stuff)
For the boys... there's a Girlfriend Pillow. They even have tiny, but squeezable boobs! Grope away, boys, grope away!
(source: Wacky Japanese Stuff)
頭がおかしい (atama ga okashii)
Neko-chan~! Come play with me!
Awwww... they are soooooo cute. Kawaii!
If you didn't know - these are European Wild Cats... not domestic cats.
I just want to be like Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh and pick them up.
Since I give credit to links. Link to Jezebel.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Things that make you go *squee*
Tissie, Meg and I all love really really cute things. Tokidoki characters. Winnie the Pooh. Snoopy. So, I've found some squee-invoking items from Japan that I wanted to share with everyone.Tokidoki x Hello Kitty Dreamy Collaboration.
Tokidoki meets Hello Kitty, and it's all... pink?? This collection consists of key chains, cell phone straps, long chains (I think they're bracelets), and plushes. They can be purchased through Strapya-World. I've ordered from them before, and their shipping is not over-priced, and items do arrive quickly.Electronic Kitten Paw Keychain Phone Strap
Push the buttons, and the keychain will "Meow". It's sure to annoy your friends, but delight you to no end. This phone strap comes in yellow and black as well, and can also be purchased through Strap-ya World.
There's even a video of this little keychain in action on YouTube.Popping Edamame Keychain
If you have "raccoon hands" (as my friend calls it) like me, you like having something in your hands to play with. You need a popping edamame keychain! There are 3 beans in each pod, and it can be strangely addictiving to pop them in and out of their pod.
You can purchase these in 5 different colors at Strap-ya World, or from ThinkGeek.
Here's a video of this little keychain in action on YouTube.
And this little animation has a cute song to go along with your edamame popping fun.
Niko Niko Punch 3 - Face Bento Decoration
Put a piece of seaweed (nori) in this little hole punch, and you can create cute little faces for your onigiri (rice balls). There's even a little doggie face. Awwww....
You can purchase this 3-punch set at J-List.
Aranzi Machine Gun Vol. 1
By Aranzi Aronzo
Publisher: Verical
MSRP: 9.95
Available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
This mook (a cross between a book and magazine) takes cute to a new level. It's part comic and part craft book and contains all of the charcters from The Cute Book doing all kinds of, well, cute things!Stitch Mint Case Jewelry Jacket
*squee* *squee* *squee* *squee*
This one's my favorite. :D I wonder if it would fit my "moo" business cards?? OMG.. that would be AWESOME!
*Allie wanders off to order one*
You can purchase this at Strap-ya World.
Hello Kitty Tattoo Key Covers with Ball Chain
Darn it. These are sold out. :( The Pirate key cover is just too darn cute!! Hopefully Strap-ya World will restock these.
~Allie *squee*